Tuesday 5 July 2011

Training The Core

Want abs? Try this!
Core training is essential to all whether one may be an athlete, a kids, an adult, or senior. But what do you understand ‘core training’ to be? Is it doing 300 sit ups, 300 crunches and your abs develop into a strong tower? How many of us end up instead with the worse back pain ever or sore for weeks after doing so many sit ups and crunches?  And how many of these sit ups and crunches are performed in absolute, impeccable form to build that strong core? Not forgetting how many of us consider 'what we eat' to maintain the desired abdominal wall for all to die for?
To develop that strong tower or even limit back pain as a result of poor form of performing the aforementioned exercises, one may consider developing the muscles of the entire torso, hips and pelvis areas of the body better known as the stabilizer muscles. Strengthening the major muscles is important to enhancing the strength of the core and reducing the risk of many physical injuries as we execute sporting activities, playing games with the kids, and or carrying out physical activities at the workplace or at home.
There are many exercises one can do to achieve stronger stabilizer muscles.  One such exercise is the Plank or Prone (Face Down)Pedestal.
  • Place your toes and elbows onto the floor extending your body as much as possible not allow your hips to be too high in a ‘tented’ position or too low in a ‘bellied’ position;
  • once the torso, hips and pelvis are aligned, gaze or look forward to a point in front of you;
  • Feet and arms should be shoulder width apart in order to execute the plank/prone pedestal exercise efficiently.
 The Stabilizers muscles worked: Rectus abdominis, (six pack) the obliques, the back extensors, the lower head of the latisimus dorsi, (wings of the back) small spinal muscles (multifids muscles), transverse abdominis, glutes
Try it: Perform 3 sets of hold for 15 to 20 seconds. Take 20 to 30 seconds rest between sets. 
Take a look at the video and do try to perform the exercise!!! I look forward to your feedback!!!


  1. Planks have become an important tool in developing strength in my Core! Performed at least once a week with additional ab works is necessary in involving all of stabilizer muscles.Try doing 3 sets for holds of 30seconds and let me know what you feel. Do engage or tighten the whole core while executing the exercise. Let's go!!

  2. Hey Michelle!

    Greatings to you and all of your supporters! I just had to comment on this Plank Challenge is what I call it. Im not a very fit chick but i saw you execute this move so effortlessly, i said to myself, how hard could this be. I was so wrong i successfully completely 3 sets of 10 and this is after just having surgery 2 months ago. Im going to work up to that 30 and when i do im coming back with proof in hand! Thanks for being an inspiration Michelle!

  3. Whooo!! Thank you so much for visiting and taking up the challenge Chelle!!!Great Job!! Keep going you will surely do it!! Awaiting the results!!!Yea!!
