Monday 24 February 2014

2014 Reshaping Mode

Blessed New Year to all.  I do hope everyone's having a healthy start to the year!  it has been quite a unique and busy but fun year so far for myself. Our handsome and beautiful baby boy Eddie Jr is here by way of an unplanned cesarean section on the 16th of December.  We both had a rough start but we are both strong and healthy as each day goes by. Thank God .
It's been 2 months and mom, dad and baby are getting into a routine with feeding time,  play time, sleeping time, so now we are attempting to add a routine exercise time. Mom needs it. This is the heaviest and the biggest I've been and very much hesitant to post pictures but you got to start somewhere in order to achieve a goal. So here goes....
I've decided to join BSN12 weeks strong challenge beginning February 17. In this first phase of reshaping, my goal is to return to my normal per pregnancy weight and loose inches in the hips and waist. I don't mine my current bust measurements since I was always bearly an A cup size ha. Yes I'm bigger, yes it is going to be a great challenge but I can do this. My long term goal is to maintain a healthy weight and size and compete again.
Follow along my journey to reshaping into the best me. Pictures and exercise routines would be shared. Thank you for all the support.

Sunday 16 February 2014

3rd Trimester Training - My journey

So I've done this post in October and forgot to share due to the videos not uploading.  However here it is for those who are interested.

 Here we go! I have been having a pretty good pregnancy so far. It has been such a learning experience for me in terms of the changes of my body. With such changes there were obvious modifications made to my training regimen. Believe me if I wasn't training I thing this process would have been a little more difficult.

1st and 2nd Trimester I was able to maintain a weight training splits of 5 days a week with 4-5 days cardio training, combined lasting 1hr to 1hr and 15 minutes.  An example of a week of weight training -
Day 1 Legs a
Day 2 Back and Biceps
Day 3 Shoulder, Chest and Triceps
Day 4 Legs b
Day 5 Shoulder and Abs

Training on mornings have been very comfortable for me and apparently for the baby too - for each doctor's visit I was constantly reminded how active he was!

As the months roll by my training decreased. At the start of my 7th month I reduced my training to 3-4 days a week. My weight training consist of more Giant sets or Circuit Training and Full body Training. This first video I am sharing is an idea of a 'light day' body training program I created.
It consist of the following exercises:

TRX Rows
BOSU Ball Push Ups
BOSU Ball Plank - 30 seconds hold
Kettle Bell Swings
Reverse Lunges
Mountain Climbers

I will normally do 3 rounds of the above exercises at a repetition range of 12-20.

Try it and let me know what you think!