Sunday 16 February 2014

3rd Trimester Training - My journey

So I've done this post in October and forgot to share due to the videos not uploading.  However here it is for those who are interested.

 Here we go! I have been having a pretty good pregnancy so far. It has been such a learning experience for me in terms of the changes of my body. With such changes there were obvious modifications made to my training regimen. Believe me if I wasn't training I thing this process would have been a little more difficult.

1st and 2nd Trimester I was able to maintain a weight training splits of 5 days a week with 4-5 days cardio training, combined lasting 1hr to 1hr and 15 minutes.  An example of a week of weight training -
Day 1 Legs a
Day 2 Back and Biceps
Day 3 Shoulder, Chest and Triceps
Day 4 Legs b
Day 5 Shoulder and Abs

Training on mornings have been very comfortable for me and apparently for the baby too - for each doctor's visit I was constantly reminded how active he was!

As the months roll by my training decreased. At the start of my 7th month I reduced my training to 3-4 days a week. My weight training consist of more Giant sets or Circuit Training and Full body Training. This first video I am sharing is an idea of a 'light day' body training program I created.
It consist of the following exercises:

TRX Rows
BOSU Ball Push Ups
BOSU Ball Plank - 30 seconds hold
Kettle Bell Swings
Reverse Lunges
Mountain Climbers

I will normally do 3 rounds of the above exercises at a repetition range of 12-20.

Try it and let me know what you think!

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