Thursday 20 September 2012

Water Anyone?

As week 2 in Training progresses, I'm reminded that WATER is an essential tool in reshaping the best me! There are many articles written on the benefits of drinking water to one's health and one article in particular written by Megan C, Oct 11, 2010 What are the Health Benefits of Water Consumption   pretty much sums up the benefits of water consumption.

To summarize the article Megan C. suggests that water consumption can:
  1. [Increase] Kidney Function
  2. [Promote] Skin Health
  3. Enhances Exercise 
  4. Aids Digestion
  5. [Promote] Joint Lubrication

I could not agree more to these 5 factors and can testify that with an increase in high impact cardiovascular exercises, intense weight training and consumption of 5-6 balanced meals in a day the need to consume water has increased. On average I consume 1 gallon of water per day. However with the increase humidity these days I may find myself consuming closer to 1 1/2 gallons of water!

Is that the amount of water you should be drinking? The answer is it depends.... You must consider all factors when coming up with the amount of water you should consume.  Your body needs water, however ones water needs may vary per day based on physical activity, the weather, and even your current health condition such as if you are pregnant, nursing a child or even if you may have the flu.

As a Personal Trainer I would recommend an average of 2.5 liter of water  for persons who may have added 3 days of 20 minutes of physical activity/exercise (as recommended by ACSM), and living in a very hot climate. Added to water other fluids such as unsweetened teas, fresh juices and coffee can be added to one's  fluid consumption. But like everything else in moderation.

So drink up people! Water is necessary for the whole body! Don't hesitate to get it in!

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